
To make the most of this book, you need to have basic experience writing applications in JavaScript. If you have created websites that have bits of interactive behavior using vanilla JavaScript, or maybe jQuery, then you should be fine.

Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is also assumed. As with JavaScript, a basic level of experience is sufficient. You should know how to create simple HTML markup for things such as paragraphs, headings and images, and how to apply styling changes to them with CSS definitions.

Knowledge of the command line in your operating system will be useful. You will spend most of the time on a code editor and a web browser, but there are some tasks here and there that need to be carried out in a terminal session.

If you are using a Microsoft Windows computer, my recommendation is that you use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which provides UNIX-compatible versions of bash, Node.js and all other required packages. Using the Windows command prompt or PowerShell should be possible, but you will need to adjust some command-line instructions.

You are welcome to use the editor that makes you most productive. At the time I'm writing this, Visual Studio Code is the favorite editor of many JavaScript developers, but these things tend to change over time, and I've taken special care to not introduce any dependencies to this or other editors.

To test your application as you develop it, you may use your favorite web browser. If you need a recommendation, many React developers prefer Chrome or Firefox, because they are the two browsers that support the React Developer Tools plugin, which can sometimes be useful in debugging React applications.

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